
Pass It Forward
Your gift of passing this website forward to folks you are in contact with is very powerful and deeply appreciated. Thank you!
If you are able to also contribute a monitary contribution, we promise to HANDLE WITH CARE.
Extol! Charitable Foundation is a 501(c3)3 Public Charity, Federal EIN #20-2557884 and a New Mexico Nonprofit Corporation. All donations are 100% tax deductible and shall be followed with a letter of acknowledgement and gratitude from Extol! Charitable Foundation.
You can donate 3 ways
We are happy to receive checks to:
Extol! Charitable Foundation
P.O. Box 25167
Albuquerque, NM 87102-5167
You can donate via PayPal.
(All major credit cards are accepted.)
$10 | |
$25 | |
$50 | |
$100 | |
Enter another amount |

You can donate through United Way.
- Go to:
- Search for agency (Extol Charitable Foundation)
- Select agency
- Select payment method and amount
- Select Donation Distribution
- Finish filling in payment information

Thanks to:
- Maez Security Consultants
- Morgan Law Firm
- Hilary Noskin, Attorney at Law
- Ken Wagner Law
- Robert and Barbara Manaraze
- Preston Irwin
- Don Pratt
- Kathe Noe
- Kenneth and Margo Wagner
- New Mexico Bank & Trust
- Chase Ergonomics
- Peacock Myers, P.C.
- State of New Mexico
- City of Albuquerque
- City of Gallup
- Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque
- University of New Mexico
- Sunwest Silver
- Willard Oil Company
- Carnes & Company, Realtors
- Fine Print
- Eyecatcher
- Kurt's Camera Corral
- El Morro Theatre
- Old Mesilla Theatre
- Lauren Kolazas